Music to my ears is a true reality today as individuality and personal choice drives the day forward. Music can be with you every step of the way, even without internet connection. You no longer need to mix tapes, or have CD exchange boxes in your car. You can plug-in your earplugs anywhere, and press play. Fly away to a far away destination and take all your favourites with you. Classical, Jazz or Hip-hop. The choice is yours and the occasion too. What works for breakfast is not what a workout calls for. What are your best fitness motivating playlists, and what is your chill moment choices? Read on to find out how to get started with your music playlist fun.
Music Makes My Day
I am having breakfast with Bach, and take my dog for a walk while Louie Armstrong carries me up the hill. The workout session with the Black Eyes Peas energizes me to prepare for a big meeting. If successful the Gypsy Kings will celebrate with me, and Andrea Bocelli will soothe my evening. Music makes my day 🙂
Music Playlists: Lifestyle Change Pushers
Music drives our day forward. Yesterday’s cassette tape has been replaced by digital technology. The variety of music choice is enormous, and caters to anyones taste and needs. Now you can choose an app, organise your personal playlists for any occasion, and play these whether you have internet connection or not. Let’s sort out what these expressions mean:
- Playlists are sets or “albums” that you can create with music you own or other people’s tracks. Normally you click on ‘Add to playlist’ on any track to place it into your playlist. To create a new playlist, click the ‘Create New’, and to change “Edit”. This is How to Create a Playlist in iTunes .
- Apps where you can find music to make your playlists are so many, that it is hard to choose. You need a computer to download these apps. If you are on the road, you need a mobile app, and a smart phone. Digital Trend has done a great job in finding the Best Music Apps for iPhone and Android.
- If you want to play your music when there is no internet connection – no problem. You set the playlist to be available ‘offline’ and can then listen anywhere.
Music Apps: Playlists for Every Day and Work (far) Away
How do you get started with getting the music for your playlists? We looked that three options: Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.
Apple Music
If you already are into Apple, and have iTunes – making a playlist and listening to it with your smart phone, or Apple iPod is the easiest way. Push play and go for it!
The Apple Music app comes pre-installed if you have iOS (latest version), and if you opt for the music service you pay a fee (9,99 Euro / month) after the 3 month trial period. If you don’t want the pay-for version you cannot listen, nor browse. This music service allows you to get tracks, songs and pre-made playlists to fit your music tastes. The vote is out for how the music services compare. Here what Macworld UK say: Apple World vs Spotify.
Whether you have iOS or Android you have other options too. Digital music services like have opened up the market for each and every taste, generation and need.
Do try the free trial of Premium, which gives you all the advantages. After 2 months you pay a relatively low monthly fee (same fee as for Apple Music). The free version comes with ads, but allows you to browse, listen and enjoy. We like Spotify for its travel option, user-friendliness and wide range of music.
TIP: If you sign up to The GOODista newsletter you get our Spotify workout playlist for free 🙂
Amazon Music
Amazon Music has a new take which is definitely worth a look at, as you can create your playlists, play them offline – and keep adding and tweaking to fit your exercise sessions and daily activities. It is always wise to check which of these meets your needs, wishes, wants, and current music library. It offers basically the same as Apple Music and Spotify, and can be a very good deal if you already subscribe to the Amazon Prime. Check out this review: Amazon takes on Apple Music and Spotify
Music Choices and Travel Needs
Check around and choose your music app to suit your needs, and since they are free for the most basic options, you can try them out and see which one you like best. It’s great to put together whatever you want for classical mornings, and sweaty workouts. Your own playlists – available off-line.
That’s the best thing: You don’t need WiFi, or any internet connection at all to play your off-line playlists. This makes travel and work (far) away so much easier, as you can take your music with you. Check out how travel options compare between the music service providers – and choose what fits you best.
The important thing is to have the possibility to not only play your existing playlists offline, but to be able to change, ad and take away wherever you are – even far away from home.
Music Playlist: Fitness Motivation Drivers
Fitness motivation and music go hand in hand. The extra force you get from a booming bass is amazing. You won’t believe it until you try. For workouts the music will make you peak in terms of calories burnt, kms walked and daily active exercise. Fitness motivation to the max! The workout becomes a new kind of zone experience – your own force field of individual songs combined with your moves. It takes it to a whole new level. Whether it is a walk in the countryside, or a weightlifting session in the gym – the playlist is what makes the exercise that much more pleasurable.
The possibility to shuffle songs within your playlist, also makes every new exercise session a new experience. You discover how some songs are just made for interval running, whereas others are exactly what you need to give that last superset push. These last sentences only make sense if you’re well on your way in your lifestyle change journey.
For the beginner – you have so much fun to discover. Actually getting music that you like to go with your first fitness goals, makes the voyage easier. It gets you going – literally.
Music increases the fun and overall drive to push forward, do more and get to your lifestyle change goal. You choose what is that goal, and how to get there. Your playlists will make the journey that much more enjoyable.
If you want a taste of how a playlist can make you go further – get 90 minutes of pumping workout music for free from The GOODista – if you subscribe to our Newsletter 🙂
What’s On Your Playlists Right Now?
Wow, you truly make me wish, and dare to try to create my own playlist! And you have so much positive energy, contagious, lovely. Warm thanks Goodista!
Playlists do make you day more fun as you can choose the kind f music that gives you energy, wellness and fitness motivation. Am so glad you found the post useful, and have fun making your first playlist!