We’re back with a new look. The GOODista healthy lifestyle blog is faster, stronger and closer to you than ever. Some you can see, and other parts you will experience.

Wanna Feel, Be and Do it? You’re more than welcome to surf around let us know what you think! 

New Look: The GOODista Healthy Lifestyle Blog Redesign

Let us tell why and how we did this change. 

New Look: From Lifestyle Changes to Healthy Lifestyle

The GOODista launched in 2013, as a lifestyle change site for every day and work (far) away. So many of you inspired us to write about how small every day choices results in lifestyle changes. Today we refine the ambition of change to the goal of leading a healthy lifestyle. Therefore we are: The GOODista healthy lifestyle blog

New Look: Every Day and Work (far) Away

Every day and work (far) away is a key phrase for us.  We aspire to inspire you every day – at home and away. The Goodista covers a niche for field staff and international expat professionals who work away in remote locations with challenges when it comes to healthy choices and access to them.

Field Mission Dilemma in Remote location, hardship duty station is normal for Humanitarian living conditions

The Field Mission Dilemma

The GOODista is one of the few that write about wellness, fitness, healthy choices and career challenges for international work away from home. If you’re based away as a humanitarian aid worker, contractor or aviator, we want to hear more what you would like us to cover. Please click here to contact us: Get In Touch

New Look: Same, Same but Different

Come 2016 it was time for us to look at what worked, and what did not. From looking at reader reactions, and Google we knew our overall concept worked, but we needed to get closer, stronger and faster.

Today we proudly present the result of The GOODista redesign and style change. We kept the core of the content, and improved design, and technology. The GOODista will continue to:

  •  Inspire you to Feel, Be and Do Good in all areas of life – and work.
  • Continue to inspire you with healthy recipes, wellness tips, nutrition basics, fitness guides, and mindfulness techniques.
  • Stay with the colour coded topic driven sections with easy-to-find posts, tips and tools.
  • Keep the basic lay-out and magazine theme format – with one big difference 🙂 called Divi Extra!

New Look: Stronger

The more / new / improved part of the site sharpens the overall vision, and makes The Goodista stronger. Some of it you can see, and some is built in behind the scenes:

  • Sharper Goal: The addition of ‘healthy’ to the lifestyle changes – which was of course always there but not spelt out. We’re now: The GOODista healthy lifestyle blog 🙂
  • Theme: A new theme enables us to present ourselves clearer, more elegantly and stronger. Divi Extra from Elegant Themes has us raving!
  • Navigation: A new look for 2016 invites you to look at our new top menu, featured posts, clear topic sections, and easy to navigate home page. Do you like?
  • Font: We changed font to increase accessibility and ease for readers. We like it – do you?
  • Coaching: Our new wellness and career coaching is an individual, tailored session for you. to look at your aspirations and work with a coach to explore how to get there. Book your individual session here: Coaching  
New look for The GOODista healthy lifestyle blog

New Look: Closer

Our ambition to always be reachable, and relevant, to our readers around the world meant a challenge. Initially we have taken two actions: 

  • Content: Write more articles that tell your stories, experiences and healthy lifestyle tips. We kick off with guest blog recipes, and posts that bring you closer to all the international “goodistas” out there. Do you have something to share? Contact us:  Get In Touch  
  • CDN: What you don’t see, but will experience is the addition of a content delivery network (CDN). This mean that The GOODista gets delivered to you from the server that is closest to your location.  Thanks again WPengine for making this easier!
New look The GOODista healthy lifestyle blog illustrated by logo

New Look: Aspire to Inspire

We’re excited to share this with you and hope you will read, comment, share and tell your fiends to join our mailing list too 🙂 

We aspire to inspire you to a start, keep up and enjoy a healthy lifestyle – wherever you are. Enjoy our healthy recipes, wellness tips, nutrition basics, fitness guides, mindfulness techniques and coaching possibilities. You keep us inspired with your continued reading – and comments 🙂  Subscribe here

Get in touch to let us know about your experiences with healthy lifestyle changes, and if you want to guest blog do write us a line! 

Wanna Feel, Be and Do It? Join us! 

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