Sharing Space: Is Moving In Together a Lifestyle Change?
Sharing space is a rite of passage for many couples. Is it a lifestyle change? Moving in together is actually more of a life event. A couple decides that sharing space makes them more together. It has all sorts of practical benefits as well since you no...
Fitness: 3 Surprising Myths About Alcohol and Exercise
3 Surprising Myths About Alcohol (You Shouldn't Believe) Do alcohol and exercise mix well? The easy answer is: No! However, to give up the daily habit and social interaction that comes with a wine or beer - or three - becomes too much of an ask for many. Even athletes...
Wellness: How Self Promises Don’t Work and Actions Do
How often have you broken promises to yourself? You say you will take charge of how you move, eat and sleep, right? And - that CV you were going to update... Wellness in all its dimensions cannot be achieved all at once. What can you do to get closer to...
Life and Career: How The Long Game Wins
Do you like to measure progress? It is true that most people prefer quick results over a long game win. Is it normal to want to see concrete results of the efforts you put into your life and work change goals? Yes! When you invest time, money and sweat you...
Organic Gardening: Tips on Growing Your Own Food
Organic gardening is a luxury today. It is, however, the way smallholders have been farming since forever. When you have a bit of space - be it a box on a window sill or a larger plot - you can easily grow your own food. It has all the health benefits of...
International Life: The Expat Divide With ‘Home’
The expat divide has many definitions. In this article, expat divide takes on a new meaning. Why do many so-called expats face hard decisions as a result of a more inward-looking world? Some even feel they no longer have a 'home' to go to. A new expat...
How To Maintain Your Exercise Routine Anywhere
To maintain your exercise routine when you are on the road, traveling or in constant packing (or unpacking) mode isn't easy. You want to keep fit to have the energy for what you do. Do you need to stay in shape to 'do good'? The GOODista believes that. A...
7 Best Essential Oils For Your Health
Because of their properties, essential oils make part of a natural, safe and cheap therapy for many health issues. These oils have antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties which is why so many today use...
Tomatoes Stuffed with Saffron Couscous Recipe
Tomatoes stuffed with saffron couscous on a bed of vegetables is a great recipe for any season. It works for vegetarians, vegans and is happily healthy. These oven-roasted tomatoes will even convince the most ardent meat lovers to go green. Try the recipe with guests...
How To Change Time To Change Lifestyle
Do you say you want to change and then you don’t? Time is a genuine factor when it comes to change. You promise yourself to look for a new job, or to eat a bit healthier - but then you say you don't have time to do a CV while you snack on Cheetos. The...