Yoga brings calm in chaos, and is a travel companion like no other. It brings balance, clarity, pain and stress relief and sound sleep. The GOODista asked Meera Watts, founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga International, if she could write an exclusive piece for our many readers that are working away from home, often based in remote field locations. Her brilliant guest article gives you get easy-to-do yoga poses that you can do anywhere.
Yoga is the perfect companion when you have limited time, space and equipment. In an otherwise chaotic environment, yoga will be your everyday companion. These poses should enhance your everyday experience no matter where you are. You’ll be able to relax, get the sleep you need, experience greater concentration, increase your flexibility, and get rid of common aches and pains.
When you utilize yoga daily, it can become a familiar part of your life no matter where you are. Emotionally, it can help you brave any storm. Read the guest article, and make yoga part of your everyday routine too. Namaste!
Yoga for Everyday Problems That You Can Do Anywhere by M. Watts
Yoga can help you deal with many of the daily problems you experience no matter where you are in the world. Whether it’s stress or pain in your body, or both, these yoga poses can be practiced just about anywhere. They are simple and don’t require a lot of space so you can do them in whatever quarters you are stationed in.
For those of you who work abroad, it’s nice to take something familiar with you wherever you go. Let yoga be a constant in your life. You will have the energy and certainty to get over any daily problem.
Yoga: Balancing and Centering
Having the ability to balance your mind, body, and soul can be highly advantageous when you travel for work. Side Bend Pose is a great way to center yourself, especially when you can envision your legs rooting into the earth. This pose stretches out the side body from a day of sitting while allowing you to center yourself.
Here’s how you do it;
- While standing with your feet hip-widths distance, anchor your feet.
- Raise your hands over your head with your palms turned out.
- Grab your left wrist with your right hand.
- As you exhale, lengthen your body, and lean to the right.
- Breathe deeply for a few breaths.
- Come back to center and repeat on the other side.
Yoga: Stress or Anxiety
If you feel stress or anxiety throughout the day, you can use certain poses to calm down the nervous system. Child’s Pose is deeply relaxing and feels good as it stretches out many parts of your body. It is a good pose to regroup and relax. Also, the nature of the pose gives you a sense of security and safety. You release the stress in your neck and shoulders and promotes steady breathing which can allow you to feel calm.
Here’s how you do it;
- Start on your hands and knees, allowing your big toes to touch. Spread your legs so they’re hip widths distance.
- Hands should sit directly under your arms.
- Bring your head forward and onto the mat as your belly rests on or between your thighs.
- Keep the arms active and extended.
- Press your hands into the floor.
- Keep your sit bones on your heels.
- Stay in this pose for as long as you like and focus on breathing.
Yoga: Insomnia
It’s quite possible if you travel around the world, you may have difficulty sleeping. If your job is challenging, you may also find that your mind keeps you up for all hours of the night. You can do Cross Twist Pose while you’re in bed or make it a part of your yoga before bed practice. This pose can ease both insomnia and anxiety as well as stretching out your back.
Here’s how you do it;
- Lie down on your back and bend your knees with your feet flat on the bed (or ground).
- Cross your right leg over your left knee.
- Twist your body over to the left.
- Put your arms to the side.
- For a deeper stretch, look to the right.
- Repeat on the other side.
Yoga: Back Pain
If you’re experiencing pain in your back, a Standing Forward Bend can help release tightness that occurs in the lumbar spine. In this pose, you use the weight of your head to help your back get rid of the tightness from sitting. You also stretch out your hamstrings in this pose which can ease lower back pain.
Here’s how you do it;
- Stand with your feet hip widths distance.
- Slowly bend forward, hinging yourself at the hips.
- Make sure you have a micro bend in your knees as this protects your lower back from injury.
- Try to touch your hands to the floor and let your upper body hang down, fully relaxing into this pose.
- Breathe in slowly and deeply for 5-10 breaths.
- Bring yourself up slowly while keeping your head and arms relaxed.
- Bring your hands to prayer.
Yoga: Indigestion
Chances are, if you’re working abroad, you may find it more difficult to digest the local cuisine because your body isn’t accustomed to the food. Simple Spinal Twist Pose is a great way to aid in your digestion as it massages your organs. The compression from twisting with the release stimulates your digestive organs by flushing them with new blood.
Here’s how you do it:
- Sit on the floor with your left leg bent, foot flat on the floor.
- Extend your right leg out straight.
- Keep your spine long by sitting up straight.
- Turn your torso to the left and grasp your left knee with your right hand.
- As your inhale, lengthen through the spine. As you exhale, stretch further to the left.
- Release and repeat on the other side.

Guest Blog Author Meera Watts
founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga International
Meera Watts is a yoga teacher, entrepreneur and mom. Her writing on yoga and holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, Yoganonymous, OMtimes and others. She’s also the founder and owner of Siddhi Yoga International. You can contact her through her website, and see her on YouTube.

Yoga: Every Day For Work Away
Meera says: “These poses should enhance your every day experience no matter where you are. You’ll be able to relax, get the sleep you need, experience greater concentration, increase your flexibility, and get rid of common aches and pains. When you utilize yoga daily, it can become a familiar part of your life no matter where you are. Emotionally, it can help you brave any storm.”
For those of you who are based in remote location the dilemma is often that choice and access is limited. You work 24/7, have no room to exercise nor to relax and just ‘be’. This article will probably ring true to you: The Field Mission Dilemma: How To Feel, Be and Do Good.
Meera is so right. In an otherwise chaotic environment, yoga can really be the secret that keeps you going. You don’t need equipment, nor much space. The links give you added insight if you need it.
I tried these poses in my bathroom, as it compared in size with the container I used to live in when working for the UN. Indeed you can do these yoga poses anywhere! For your everyday challenges you will find that they give you calm, focus and relieves aches, pains as well as dissolves stress.
Did the poses inspire you too? What do you think?
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Yes, I agree with you. We can do yoga anywhere.
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