This recipe for salmon salad has all the superfood crunch, and more than anything it heightens a simple salad to something much more luxurious. Dinner for one — or for guests. Get inspired, enjoy and play with the ingredients so you get it just the way you want it. We give you the basics, and you can do it our way or your way. Salmon is the hero, the rest is up to you 🙂 Enjoy!

Salad with Salmon & Pomegranate – A Health Boosting Favourite

This Salad with Pomegranate, Red Cabbage, Spinach, Red Onion, and Parsley – is crowned by beautiful How to get a healthier life with good hydration, start your day with a glass of water with lemon as seen on this picture.Salmon. It really gives you all the health boosting vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 you want. Most of all it tastes really, really fantastic in its light mustard dressing.

Get inspired, enjoy, share with friends, or have it just on your own with a big glass of lemon water. 

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