The GOODista Logo. Woman with arms outstrecthed to illustrate that you can change

Energy flows like a physical force field between people. Do you feel the atmosphere of a room as soon as you enter it? You can draw energy from people, and impact others with your positive or negative flow. What are the basic energy forces that make us tick, and which ones can we control? The more we know, the more we can control our own energy flows. Taking charge of emotional and internal energy fields makes a difference to your outlook on life β€” and the reward is how people start to see you in a different light. 

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Positive versus Negative Energy

Field Mission Dilemma means added stress, tension and relationship strain illustrate by man holding his head with his body exploding.Energy tends to be defined as a physical force that fills the air with electricity, tension and flow. Positive versus negative energy from people can be felt as soon as you enter a room. Emotions rule how the energy flows, and we feel if a person radiates positive or negative vibes. We get affected by the emotional energy flows and respond in kind. 

Energy Zappers – Negative Tension and how to break the cycle

We all know people who zap our energy levels. Often the energy zapper is unaware of the effect s/he has and how much they bring down the mood of others. Energy zappers are The Goodista is here. Feeling sad, need of lifestyle change? Man under raining cloudoften met by trepidation. You wonder what mood the person will be in, and tentatively try a careful greeting to take the temperature.

The person may not be smiling, but is doesn’t mean they’re having a bad day – but the problem is that frequent mood swings puts their immediate surrounding on constant alert. In itself the whole situation becomes a circle that often goes from bad to worse. Why is that and how can we fix it? 

Energy Flows We Can Control

How to get a Healthier Life with the 5 x 5 Success plan illustrated by seed growingEnergy as a basic force comes from the food that we eat, the relationships and love that we feel, fitness and exercise, and the jobs or creative projects that we have. We can control this. To take hold of your routine, nutrition, fitness and mindfulness is basically changing your lifestyle. Step by step you gain control again, and with that positive energy starts to flow.

Someone who has some great hands-on advice on how to change our energy and refocus on the positive is Deepak Chopra, who is the author of more than 50 books on health, success, relationships and spirituality, including his current best-seller, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New Self.

Energy Flows We Cannot Control

Defying Gravity in Life's darkest moments is taking control over what you can as illustrated by a butterfly weighed down by a stone.We cannot control illness, depression, anxiety or grief. These are dark forces that take hold, and will remain, if we don’t get help. If we think we will deal with these negative forces alone, we will remain very alone and often stuck. Our energy flows get darker too.

It is easier to hold on to a negative, as it also brings more attention to you – but is it the right kind of attention you want?

Real, active help is what you need to get going. A trained professional will be there to treat your illness, walk you through anxiety and depression and explain why it is so hard to understand that someone is gone. Actively seeking your way out of the dark side makes a positive force all in itself. The act of asking turns negative into positive.

Energy Forces: Hormones, Moons and Spirits 

Some energy forces are stronger than others. They range from the scientifically founded to the more belief based ones – and no one is there to judge whether that is right or wrong. What is sure is that you can choose to believe or not, but you cannot refute what we know to be real. For example, hormones is one of the ‘real’ fact based truths, whereas the impact of the Moon and Spirits are choice based. 


The Brain - and its five parts as illustrated by this picture highlighting each part.Did you know that hormones affect our moods in ways that make us feel out of control? Hormones are tricky little ‘friends’, that tend to play with us in many ways. 

The reality is that hormone imbalance is not reserved for ‘terrible twos’, ‘teenagers’, and ‘menopausal woman!’ only. Indeed – hormones can affect anyone at anytime – and you can actually do something about it.

This article “How hormones affect your health, body & soul” gives you good clues about the most common hormones, and what you can do to regulate the hormone levels. Balanced hormone levels do boost your mood – a lot!

The Moon

The Moon is often blamed for irrational behaviour, mood swings, accidents, and incidents that are of the more peculiar kind. Lunacy is even a word that comes from ‘La Luna” – and ‘Moonstruck‘ is one of my favourite movies. How much is the moon responsible for positive and negative energy? – “Not much”, say Scientists but as humans we tend not to make enough distinction between correlation and causation. The lunar cycle tends to correspond to the womans’ menstrual cycle of 28 days. Fact or fiction? I still like ‘Moonstruck‘ no matter what! 


Dark spirits, Ghosts, Ghouls and superstition have their place on the negative energy side.  Many people are drawn to what they cannot see, and feel it helps to explain why a space, a house or a person feel ‘off’. I personally don’t believe that dark spirits can invade us, and indeed science tends to agree. However, if you want to turn a negative space into a positive one this article “Energy Healing Therapy – A DIY guide to release negative energy“, has techniques that might work for you. 

How to get a healthier life with Good Hydration. Too much wine is an indication to change lifestyle, and hydration habits. Man sitting with empty glasses.Talking of spirits – the liquid ones…  As nice as it is to have a glass, the fact is that too many glasses bring negative energy. Alcohol plays with your moods, and you are likely to do or say things you may regret. Overall the chemical impact of spirits, wine and beer doesn’t do much for your overall mindfulness, fitness or positive energy so keeping it balanced is a good idea. Cheers! 

Change Reaction can be negative but if you stay the course change will become a habit that inspires others

Energy Flows that Work for You and Impact Others

Taking charge of the basic energy flows that you can control means taking small step by step lifestyle changes, or getting help to get there. Lifestyle changes recharges your internal batteries and rewires your energy from negative to positive. 

I used to be an energy zapper. No one dared talk to me before I had my first coffee, and now having changed my lifestyle I wake up balanced and smiling most days. My whole system has become recharged, as has my relationships. All for the better πŸ™‚ .

How to get a Healthier Life , To change or not to change - Take it or Leave it, illustrated by sign saying: Change AheadJust setting daily goals gives you purpose, direction and a way forward. You feel good, and you body and mind respond. Being good to yourself, enables you to do good to others.

You will start to see the difference in how others perceive you too. Not just by the healthier glow you have, but because your moods are more balanced. Getting into a positive way of thinking, eating, drinking, exercising and relating to those around you may need a boost (or two) at times. By reading The GOODista you get inspired every week as the overall theme is about lifestyle changes you can do to Feel, Be and Do GOOD. 

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